Scalable Vector Graphics (SVGs) have become a popular choice for modern web development. However, in our enthusiasm for SVGs, we mustn’t overlook a crucial aspect of web development: accessibility. This article dives into creating accessible SVGs that cater to screen reader users, ensuring your graphics communicate effectively to everyone.

Imagine a website that heavily relies on SVGs for visual elements. While it might look stunning to sighted users, someone using a screen reader would encounter a frustrating experience. The screen reader might simply announce a generic term like “image” or “graphic” for each SVG, leaving the user completely clueless about the actual content of the image. This is where accessibility comes into play.

Accessible SVGs: Beyond Visual Appeal

While SVGs are undeniably visually appealing, their potential goes far beyond mere aesthetics. They can represent a wide range of meaningful content, including icons that symbolize actions (think search bar icons), logos that identify brands, or even data visualizations like charts and graphs. The key takeaway here is that SVGs can hold significant information that transcends visual presentation. This makes them even more powerful, but it also underscores the importance of ensuring that this information is accessible to all users.

The Challenge: Screen Readers and Visual Content

Consider this scenario: you’re browsing the web and encounter a website that relies heavily on SVGs. Everything looks great visually, but you’re using a screen reader. Suddenly, your smooth browsing experience grinds to a halt. The screen reader might announce something generic like “image” or “graphic” for each SVG, leaving you completely in the dark about the actual content of the image.

This is where accessibility becomes critical. Screen readers are invaluable tools, but they rely on proper code structure and clear descriptions to understand the content on a webpage. By default, they struggle to interpret visual content like SVGs.

The Solution: Unveiling aria-label and aria-labelledby

Thankfully, there’s a way to bridge this gap and transform our SVGs into truly accessible SVGs for screen reader users. Enter aria-label and aria-labelledby, two powerful attributes that allow us to provide clear descriptions for our SVGs.

  • aria-label: This attribute lets you embed a text description directly within the SVG code itself. Imagine adding a tiny hidden caption that only screen readers can detect.
  • aria-labelledby: This attribute connects the SVG to an existing text element on the page, typically a caption or description element. This is useful when you have a more detailed description that wouldn’t fit well within the SVG itself.

Let’s delve into some code examples to illustrate how these attributes work in practice.

Example 1: Utilizing aria-label for a Simple Icon

<svg aria-label="Search Icon">

In this example, the screen reader will announce “Search Icon” when encountering the SVG, clearly conveying the function of the icon to the user.

Example 2: Leveraging aria-labelledby for a Complex Illustration

<svg aria-labelledby="pie-chart-description">

<p id="pie-chart-description">This pie chart depicts the distribution of website traffic by source.</p>

Here, we’ve connected the SVG to a paragraph element with the ID “pie-chart-description.” The screen reader will first announce “pie chart” (from the SVG’s aria-labelledby attribute) and then proceed to read the detailed description from the paragraph.

Best Practices for Crafting Accessible SVGs

Now that we’ve explored the power of aria-label and aria-labelledby, let’s establish some best practices to ensure our accessible SVGs are exceptional:

  • Color Contrast Reigns Supreme: Remember, accessibility extends beyond screen readers. People with visual impairments might also rely on good color contrast to perceive the SVG clearly. Ensure sufficient contrast between foreground and background colors for optimal readability. There are many online color contrast checkers available to assist you.
  • Descriptive Text is Key: When using aria-label, avoid generic terms like “image” or “graphic.” Instead, focus on conveying the actual function or meaning of the SVG. For instance, instead of “image,” use “Search Icon” or “Pie Chart Displaying Traffic Distribution.”
  • Maintain Clarity and Conciseness: Strive for clarity and conciseness when writing your aria-label text. Aim to provide a clear and concise description that effectively conveys the SVG’s purpose.
  • Prioritize Keyboard Accessibility: Don’t forget about keyboard accessibility! Ensure that your SVGs can be programmatically focused using the keyboard, allowing users who rely on this method to navigate and interact with them effectively.


By embracing accessible SVGs, we can create a more inclusive web experience that caters to a wider audience. Not only does this enhance the user experience for those who rely on screen readers, but it also demonstrates a commitment to building websites that are usable by everyone. Furthermore, accessible SVGs can contribute to improved SEO, as search engines increasingly prioritize websites that cater to accessibility.

Optional Resources:

Categories: Accessibility

Mitchell Opitz

Mitchell is an overly ambitious creative-type and all around silly guy working to live life to the fullest. Read his story and follow his journey at his blog:


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